Building yourself into a brand!

Building yourself into a brand!

When you hear the word “brand”, what do you think of? Are you thinking about your favorite clothing line, your favorite car or maybe the last commercial you saw? Most of the time when we think of “branding” or “brands” in general, we tend to think about larger companies and their marketing, but have you ever thought about yourself as a brand?

Branding yourself especially as an entrepreneur can directly impact your success. When you design yourself as a brand you are in an essence creating your outward persona which translates into your business, this brand is what will set you apart from your competitors. Knowing the impact and importance branding can have, we want to make sure it stays true to who we really are and what our ultimate goals are. Below we take a look into the best ways to brand yourself, so you are seen as both credible and reliable while staying true to who you really are.


–       Know who you are and the value you bring.

–       Become an asset by providing a unique proposition.

–       Figure out how others perceive you.

–       Identify your why and the goals you have set for the future.

–       Establish who your audience is.

–       Don’t be something you’re not, always be sincere.

–       Be consistent in your brand while continuously putting yourself out there.

–       Always be building and elevating your brand.


Once you have established who you are as brand and what you are trying to do the rest is easy. Start by marketing yourself, attend local networking groups, start a blog/vlog and get involved in your local community. Once people begin to see you and understand who you are and what you represent, they begin to develop a level of trust with you. In network marketing particularly this trust helps your business grow. People will feel inspired by you and as long as you are being genuine and sincere in who you are you will see your network grow.

FITTEAM believes in living every day true to who you are. We encourage everyone to find their passion and create a persona unique to only you because after all there is only ONE of you!

