Find the LEADER in you!


Find the LEADER in you!

Not everyone is born a natural leader, but those that invest in themselves and take the time to work on personal development can become the successful leaders many admire and aspire to be.  At FITTEAM we encourage you to grow your leadership skills every day, below are some tips from About Leaders and UC Santa Cruz to help in this process.


  • Be the person to go above and beyond, this may require taking on extra work not designed for you or that will benefit you personally.
  • Accept responsibility for getting things done. Why stand around and wait for someone else to get things started? Set an example.
  • Offer help and information. Your unique knowledge and skills may be just what’s needed. On the flip side remember to seek help and information when needed. This will encourage group involvement and help accomplish group goals.
  • Make things happen by being decisive, energetic and enthusiastic.


  • As a leader you must inspire and motivate your team to maximize performance:
    • Show your appreciation for good ideas and extra effort.
    • Involve everyone in discussions and decisions, even if asking for opinions and ideas means a longer discussion.
    • Remember to be friendly, others will be more willing to share ideas if you’re interested in them as people too.
    • Have a sense of integrity, members will take tasks more seriously if you show that you’re more interested in group goals than your own personal gain.


  • A leader should be fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Here are some questions to help you identify your strengths and weakness:
    • What kind of leader am I? One who helps solve problems? A leader who helps people get along? How do others see me as a leader?
    • What are my goals, purposes, and expectations in working with this particular group?
    • Do I try to be aware of how others think and feel?
    • Do I try to help others perform to the best of their abilities?
    • Am I willing to accept responsibility?
    • Am I willing to try new ideas and new ways of doing things?
    • Am I able to communicate with others effectively?
    • Am I a good problem solver?
    • Do I accept and appreciate other perspectives and opinions?


  • One of the biggest requirements of a leader is the ability to listen and communicate effectively. Deriving and exchanging feedback with others is essential. Try these steps for effective communication and listening:
    • Listen actively, ask questions. Be genuinely interested in what others say.
    • Thank people for their openness, stress how much you value it even if you don’t like specifically what is being said.
    • Point to areas of agreement before jumping on areas of disagreement this reduces defensiveness.
    • Always maintain direct eye contact with others and respond intelligently and appropriately. Remember both verbal communication and body language are clues to what people are trying to convey.


  • Leaders must have the know how to deal with conflicts. In any walk of life, conflicts are bound to arise. However, to be able to deal with conflicts effectively, a leader should have keen understanding of how to communicate and work with all types of people.
  • Whether you are faced with a decision to make, or a conflict to resolve, following a logical approach will help here are some steps to help you in this process:
    • State the problem as simply and clearly as possible.
    • Gather all relevant information and available resources.
    • Brainstorm as many ideas or solutions as you can think of.
    • Evaluate each idea or solution and choose the best one.
    • Design a plan for using your idea or solution. Include a timetable, assigned roles, and resources to be used.
    • Follow up on your plan by asking if your idea worked and why or why not.


  • A successful leader should learn to respect and recognize the value of their team members.
  • Everyone has different abilities, wants, needs, and purpose in life. To get along with others and get results, you need to get to know them. Interact with group members as often as possible. Become familiar with every member of your group. Take note of each person’s unique qualities and characteristics.

